Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nature-throid and other things

The last two months have been hellacious. I had a resurgence of old symptoms which left me couch bound. Because I had nothing else to do, I got on the 'ol computer and started looking around for other people going through similar issues. Interestingly, I found more than moral support, I found answers...on Twitter! I started following dearthyroid and thyroidmary (Mary Shomon, thyroid patient advocate) which is how I found out that there had been a recent reformulation of my beloved life saving thyroid medication Armour. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had gone hypo since the change. So I talked to my doctor asap and got a script for Nature-throid. It was hard to find a supplier but I eventually found success through It arrived in the mail four days ago and each day has been a little easier. At this rate I will be back in yoga class by August. Yay. Although, I have to say that I'm really pissy about that whole reformulation thing. I lost two months of my life and had it not been for the online communities of people out there openly discussing these issues, I would have continued to be in the dark about it to this day. Who knows how many months I could have lost. I've been known to loose years and I don't have the time or patience to do that again. Sadly, there are other people out there who are still suffering from the change and are blaming it on themselves. It's a damn shame.

I think I'm going to start trying to take classes in September. That is going on the assumption that I am in a better state then than I am now. I'm much better, but I'm not yet in the clear. Walking from the doctor's office uphill to the car was tough. I'm thiry-one for chrisssake. But my adrenals are not happy, this I know. I have been feeling very hypoglycemic lately. Dr. Wu is pushing me to quit coffee again, but I'm not yet ready to bed ridden again, albiet temporarily. Coming off that stuff is not a joke for me. I am a bona-fide coffee addict.

Speaking of hypoglycemia, if I don't eat soon I am going to start attempting to eat inedible objects, like the couch. So I have to sign out here, which is disappointing because I wanted to talk about something cool that Dr. Wu told me today about the connection between thyroid, adrenals and the ovaries in Chinese medicine. Ah well, maybe later.


ellimay60gma said...

I would be interested to know what
companies make the Thyroid medication?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Hashimoto's thyroiditis said...

Amour is produced by Forest Pharmaceuticals and Nature-throid is produced by Western Research Laboratories aka RLC Labs.